Quarterly Newsletter
REDD+ Cambodia
Draft AIP-NRS Brings a New Focus on Addressing Non-Forest Sector
Forest, which provides priceless benefits to country development and support rural livelihood, is under pressure from deforestation and forest degradation. The Greenhouse Gases Inventory for the 1st Biannual Updated Report…
Cambodia’s Third Greenhouse Gases Inventory Report Is Being Finalized
Cambodia is preparing its third Greenhouse Gases Inventory (GHG-I) report to provide updates on emission source and sink related the four key sectors: Energy, Industrial Process and Product Use (IPPU), Agriculture, Forest and other land uses (AFOLU), and Waste. The GHG-I provides the trend of emissions, which is essential for a country party to UNFCCC…
REDD+ Countries Enhance Capacity on National Forest Monitoring System
The Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) technical leaders of more than 20 countries met on 8-12th April 2019 in the #GFOI19 plenary. The Cambodia MRV team was actively participating in assessing both technical and institutional capacities to strength the National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) and the MRV systems,…
Key People From Forest Institutions Set Key targets for REDD+ Programme in 2019
Phnom Penh, 25th January 2019: About 40 officers from relevant ministries and institutions, who are members of REDD+ Secretariat, REDD+ Technical Teams, Gender Group and Consultations Group, joint the workshop in Phnom Penh to prepare 2019