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REDD+ Secretariat

  • About

Mission of the REDD+ Secretariat (RS) is to support the effective and efficient development of policies and measures for REDD+ in Cambodia through providing support to the REDD+ Taskforce. The RS is responsible for implementation and execution of the work plan of the RTF. The RS has to operationalize the vision of the RTF for development of a national REDD+ programme through mobilizing and coordinating technical and financial activities and support from government agencies, development partners, NGOs and other stakeholders. The RTS is the primary contact point and coordination mechanism at operational level for REDD+ in Cambodia.

Specific responsibilities in supporting the Taskforce:

  • Preparation of Cambodia REDD+ workplans through consultation with all line agencies, programmes and projects for consideration by the Taskforce
  • Supporting the coordination of REDD+ activities by different stakeholders in the sector
  • Supporting and coordinating regular meetings of the Taskforce, Project Executive Board, Technical teams, the Consultation group and other key bodies identified during programme development
  • Facilitating strategic discussions on programme development between key technical specialists to ensure a clear vision is provided to the Taskforce
  • Implementing programme activities in line with Taskforce decisions through coordination activities as well as by procuring relevant technical and administrative support
  • Monitoring the progress of, reviewing and approving technical inputs from contractors prior to submission to the Taskforce
  • Providing operational support to the Taskforce
  • Preparing and participating in trainings, and meetings on REDD+, for the Taskforce and other stakeholders to increase knowledge on REDD+
  • Addressing any conflicts that occur within the REDD+ development process and presenting any conflicts to the Taskforce that they are unable to resolve
  • When requested represent the Cambodia REDD+ Programme at public events or in technical forum.

Specific responsibilities as primary contact point and coordination mechanism at operational level for REDD+ in Cambodia include:

  • Ensuring information on REDD+ and REDD+ in Cambodia is available to all stakeholders,
  • Facilitating coordination of all REDD+ related activities in Cambodia,
  • Ensuring that adequate consultation occurs on all elements of the REDD+ programme – in line with international and national standards,
  • Providing advice and guidance to organisations interested in supporting the Cambodia REDD+ process,
  • Providing information on ongoing REDD+ activities within their Ministries and agencies.


The Secretariat is an operational unit with a full-time presence in the Secretariat office based in the Ministry of Environment. All staff should be present in the office unless on travel to other locations.


The Secretariat is principally of Government structure but will be supported by a number of development partner programmes. Support is currently provided by Forestry Carbon Partnership Facility.


The Secretariat shall responsible for reporting to the Taskforce. Each Secretariat member is responsible for reporting to and consulting with their respective line agencies. Members can request additional time on specific issues if they feel it is of high importance to their line agency and further discussion is needed.

The Secretariat will also be responsible for reporting to development partners on development partner funds for which it is responsible. Where possible this should be done in a coordinated format.