The MRV/REL Technical Team for REDD+ is to ensure that the relevant technical capacities are built within REDD+ Taskforce institutions and the REDD+ Taskforce secretariat, key technical components (under REDD+ Taskforce Secretariat) are established for the functioning of a transparent, consistent and accurate Monitoring, MRV and REL system.
REDD+ Countries Enhance Capacity on National Forest Monitoring System
The Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) technical leaders of more than 20 countries met on 8-12th April 2019 in the #GFOI19 plenary. The Cambodia MRV team was actively participating in assessing both technical and institutional capacities to strength the National Forest Monitoring System (NFMS) and the MRV systems, that contribute to fulfill countries’ commitments on Paris Agreement and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
The Cambodia MRV team kept bilateral meetings with their counterparts of Mexico, Ecuador, Ivory Coast, Indonesia, Ethiopia and Congo DRC, exchanging methodologies, lessons learned and plans. This enriching experience help the REDD+ process of Cambodia to improve the Forest Refence Level, the GHG inventories of the Forest sector for the BUR, the National communication and the NDC.
This was also a great opportunity to learn on the development of satellite data, management and analysis for forest monitoring. International partners of the European Spatial Agency, NASA, Silva Carbon, SERVIR, FAO, UNDP and World Bank, present their next steps in the support of capacities and development of open source technologies to fulfill the gaps on the NFMS. Moreover, the GFOI plenary agreed on moving forward on linking Forest and Agriculture geo information. Using the same data for multiple purpose. This is an ideal moment for Cambodia REDD+ that is contributing to improve the geo information and statistics on the agricultural sector together with Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.