Home Governance Consultation Group

Consultation Group

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The REDD+ Consultation group (CG) was proposed in the Cambodia REDD+ Readiness Roadmap as a body that would provide comments to the REDD+ Taskforce (TF) on the REDD+ Readiness process and provide a forum to represent the views of different stakeholder groups. It is intended to be responsible for providing a link between the Cambodia REDD+ Programme and existing networks of stakeholder groups.

The CG consists of 18 members, made up of 2 members representing each of nine stakeholder groups. These groups were derived from the Roadmap and UN-REDD Programme document, and based on further discussions with stakeholders. The nine groups are:

  • Academia
  • International organizations
  • National NGOs
  • Indigenous Peoples
  • CSO
  • Private Sector
  • Community Forest Groups
  • Community Protected Area Groups
  • Community Fishery Groups

Consistent with UN-REDD stakeholder engagement guidelines, stakeholders were given the responsibility to self-select their representatives. In the case of Indigenous Peoples, the selection process was based on provincial election meetings in the 15 provinces where there are populations of Indigenous Peoples. This approach was developed through discussions with Indigenous Peoples representatives during and following a stakeholder consultation meeting in September, 2012.

For the other stakeholder groups, in order to avoid any suggestion that the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) was directing the process, a “Voluntary Facilitation Committee” (VFC) was established. The nine-member VFC itself was multi-stakeholder by composition and resulted from a nation-wide call for expressions of interest from qualified individuals.

The VFC met a total of 15 times between February and the mid of August 2013, with members rotating the chair at each meeting, in order to decide on all aspects of the CG selection process. The key outputs of the VFC have been:

  • Agreement on criteria to be met by eligible candidates for membership of the CG. The criteria varied by stakeholder group.
  • Design of the selection process. The process is similar for all groups except for Indigenous Peoples, for whom a provincial election process has been undertaken.
  • Agreement on the process for inviting candidates to submit an expression of interest. The process included a mixture of newspaper and online advertisements, dissemination through existing networks (email), and posting on the REDD+ Cambodia web-site.
  • Review of submissions received to ensure candidates met the established criteria and that candidates were assigned to the correct stakeholder groups.
  • Design and timing of the CG election workshop.
  • Design of multiple voting options, including in-person voting at the workshop, and on-line and postal voting before the workshop. Postal voting was intended to meet the needs of the community management groups who have limited internet access, but as there are only two candidates for each group, postal voting was not required.
  • Identification of eligible voter lists for each stakeholder group
  • Drafting of CG operations guidelines

The CG selection workshop was held on August 29-30, 2013, and the following representatives were selected:


Stakeholder Group


Mr. Kim Soben Academia Royal University of Agriculture
Mr. Seak Sophat Academia Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)
Mr. Sa Thlay CF Network Oddor Meanchey Forestry Community Network
Mr. Mao Ngar CF Network Kral Toeuk Community Forestry
Mr. Long SoChet CFi Network The Coalition of Cambodia Fishers (CCF)
Mr. Sao Theang CFi Network Chom Pou Khmao Community Fishery (Mangrove)
Mr. Prum Sarat CPA CPA Battambang
Mr. Kean Hean CPA Phnom Pros Natuaral Community Protected Area
Mr. Rith Bunroeun CSO (Provincial) Action for Development (AFD )
Mr. Smeun Boreyroth CSO (Provincial) Children Development Association (CDA)
Mr. Nok Ven IPs Mondulkiri Province
Mr. Chheurt Chhorn IPs Battambang Province
Ms. Hou Kalyan International NGO RECOFTC
Mr. Sopha Sokun Narong International NGO WCS
Mr. Va Moeurn National NGO Mlup Baitong
Mr. Chhith Sam Ath National NGO NGO Forum on Cambodia
Mr. Sum Sokun Private Sector Lighting engineering & Solutions
Mr. Lu Chu-chang Private Sector Cambodia Timber Industry Association

Additional technical and financial support will also be extended to help CG members identify and establish information and feedback mechanisms with their respective constituencies.

Information on CG meetings can be found : Consultation group documents

  • 13th Consultation Group Meeting (Annual Reflection)

    • Minutes of the meeting (Khmer)
    • Annex: supporting documents to the 13th CG Meeting (Files)
  • 12th Consultation Group Meeting/Training on REDD+ Concept and Climate Change, including Site Visit to Seima Protection Forest and Biodiversity Conservation

  • 11th Consultation Group Meeting

    • Agenda (File)
    • CG Official inputs on the 4th Draft NRS to Head of REDD+ Taskforce (Khmer)
    • Minutes of the meeting can be requested
  • 10th Consultation Group Meeting

    • Agenda (File)
    • Internal Rule (Khmer)
    • Minutes of the meeting can be requested
  • 9th Consultation Group Meeting

    • Agenda (File)
    • Annual Work Plan 2015 (Khmer)
    • Minutes of the meeting can be requested
  • 8th Consultation Group Meeting

    • Agenda (File)
    • Minutes of the meeting can be requested
  • 7th Consultation Group Meeting

    Minutes of the meeting (KH)

  • 6th Consultation Group Meeting

    • Minutes of the meeting (KH)
    • Annex I: Participation list 5th CG meeting (KH)
    • Annex II: Agenda 5th CG meeting (KH)
    • Annex III: Draft of recommendations on options of REDD+ (KH)
    • Annex IV: D5-REDD+ internal rules (KH)
    • Annex V: REDD+ national strategy (KH)
    • Annex VI: REDD+ coordination mechanisms (KH)
    • Annex VII: CG process (EN)
    • Annex VII: Proposed IF/FM (EN)
    • Annex VIII: CBR+ brief note (KH)
    • Annex VIII: CBR+ guide notes and 2014 timeframe (KH)
  • 5 th Consultation Group Meeting

    • Minutes of the meeting (KH)
    • Annex I: Participation list 5th CG meeting (KH)
    • Annex II: Agenda 5th CG meeting (KH)
    • Annex III: Draft of recommendations on options of REDD+ (KH)
  • 4 th Consultation Group Meeting

    • Minutes of the meeting (KH)
    • Annex I: Agenda of the meeting (KH)
    • Annex II: List of participants (KH)
    • Annex III: Draft workplan of CG members (KH)
    • Annex IV: Presentation on REDD+ at different scale (KH) and (EN)
    • Annex V: Discussion paper on REDD+ at different scale (KH)
  • 3 rd Consultation Group Meeting

    • Minutes of the meeting (KH)
    • Annex I: Agenda of the meeting (KH)
    • Annex II: List of participants (KH)
    • Annex III: Process of flow of information from and to CG‐Constituents (EN)
    • Annex IV: Decisions from COP 19 (KH)
    • Annex V: Global Policy on REDD+ (KH)
    • Annex VI: REDD+ safeguard (KH)
    • Annex V: Taskforce meeting calendar 2014 (KH)
    • Annex VI: Agenda of the 2nd Taskforce meeting (KH)
  • 2 nd Consultation Group Meeting

    • Minutes of the meeting (KH)
    • Annex I: Agenda of the meeting (KH)
    • Annex II: List of participants (KH)
  • 1 st Consultation Group Meeting

    Minutes of the meeting (KH)

REDD+ Consultation Group plays significant roles in connecting REDD+ programme to local communities, Indigenous Groups, NGOs, Civil society, and other key stakeholders. The Consultation Group is intended to be a body where voice and concerns of the stakeholders are represented. Their role is to bring comments of stakeholder to the REDD+ Taskforce, and collect any feedbacks or decisions back to the communities and networks. This group meets quarterly to get REDD+ update, and discuss how to enhance information flow. Up to date they have had 17 meetings.

In the 17th Meeting, organized on 27 March 2017, the Consultation Group discussed outreach plan to raise REDD+ awareness among Community Forestry (CF), Community Fishery (CiF),Community Protected Area (CPA), and Indigenous Groups (IPs). They agreed to start implementing the plan from May to July 2017 to reach 12 community sites. The REDD+ outreach activity will also be an opportunity to tighten up the bond between Consultation Group and community networks, and discuss how to share information with communities more effectively.