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REDD+ Demonstration Technical Team

The Pilot and Demonstration Technical Team is to ensure that lessons and experiences from pilot pr...

Consultation Group

Programme Structure

National Forest Policy Specialist

Cambodia REDD+ Programme is looking for National Consultant to develop a national policy for pr...

National Consultant to Prepare Guidelines and Manual to Develop Manage...

Cambodia REDD+ Programme is looking for National Consultant to Prepare Guidelines and Manual to deve...

Technical meeting on Safeguard

Technical meeting on Safeguard is organized on 03-04 July 2017 to discuss about progress of safeguar...

Progress of Cambodia FRL and National Forest Monitoring System

A Workshop on Progress of Technical Development of Cambodia’s Forest Reference Level and National Fo...

Benefit-sharing Technical Team

The Benefit-Sharing Technical Team is to ensure that lessons and experiences from current or previou...

Job Announcement

REDD+ Taskforce Secretariat is looking for a qualified candidate to fill in the position: 1. Ad...

Summary Sub-National Consultation Workshop on National REDD+ Strategy
