The Tumring REDD+ Project (TRP) lies on the southwestern edge of the recently declared Prey Long Wildlife Sanctuary (PLWS) and covers approximately 66,645 hectares of land located in the central part of Cambodia, to the west of the Mekong River. The Prey Long Wildlife Sanctuary contains the largest remaining area of lowland evergreen forest in Cambodia and forms part of the Indo-Burma Hotspot, and has been named one of the world’s top 34 biodiversity hotspots (Mittermeier, et al., 2004; CEPF, 2011). The PLWS is the primary watershed of central Cambodia that regulates water and sediment flow to the Mekong River and Tonle Sap Lake. An estimated 700,000 Cambodians depend on these watersheds for irrigation, and southern Vietnam—an area that makes up some of the richest agricultural and most densely populated areas of the region—lies within the Mekong River watershed area. Its forests are also recognized for their importance in securing rural livelihoods, with more than 250,000 people, mostlyindigenous Kuy, living in and or adjacent to them (CI, 2011). Much of Prey Long is found on infertile soil with little value for rice cultivation, but freshwater systems in Prey Long are important spawning areas for fish and people rely heavily on non-timber forest products as a source of income and livelihoods (Tola, 2014).PUBLIC COMMENT PERIODS:This project was open for public comment from 25 November – 25 December 2019 for its first CCB verification.

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Southern Cardamon Annual Emission Reductions (unit in M tCO2eq)