REDD+ Consultation Group will connect more with communities


REDD+ Consultation Group plays significant roles in connecting REDD+ programme to local communities, Indigenous Groups, NGOs, Civil society, and other key stakeholders. The Consultation Group is intended to be a body where voice and concerns of the stakeholders are represented. Their role is to bring comments of stakeholder to the REDD+ Taskforce, and collect any feedbacks or decisions back to the communities and networks. This group meets quarterly to get REDD+ update, and discuss how to enhance information flow. Up to date they have had 17 meetings.

In the 17th Meeting, organized on 27 March 2017, the Consultation Group discussed outreach plan to raise REDD+ awareness among Community Forestry (CF), Community Fishery (CiF),Community Protected Area (CPA), and Indigenous Groups (IPs). They agreed to start implementing the plan from May to July 2017 to reach 12 community sites. The REDD+ outreach activity will also be an opportunity to tighten up the bond between Consultation Group and community networks, and discuss how to share information with communities more effectively.