Launch of FCPF Project Phase II


The Cambodia REDD+ Programme launched Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Project Phase II on 30 October 2017. FCPF is a World Bank programme consists of a Readiness Fund and Carbon fund, and was created to assist developing countries to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, enhance and conserve forest carbon stocks, and sustainably manage forests (REDD+). In particular to Cambodia, the fund is designed for the Readiness phase.

Build on FCPF I achievements in establishment of REDD+ Institutional Framework, development of policies and strategies, and stakeholder engagement, the FCPF II, with a total budget of USD 5.2 millions, will continue to assist Cambodia to be fully ready for REDD+ implementation. The works will focus on strengthening of REDD+ management arrangement, development of National REDD+ Strategy Action Plan, enhancement of sub-national capacities for integrated natural resource management, and designed of REDD+ monitoring system.