Request for Proposal on Production of REDD+ Video Animation


The Cambodia REDD+ Taskforce Secretariat is an institutional arrangement of the Royal Government of Cambodia in its efforts to get ready for REDD+. This programme’s approach has been specifically designed to support implementation of a REDD+ Roadmap.

With financial support from the Forest Carbon Partnership facility REDD+ Readiness Project (FCPF), the programme is seeking qualified, talented, and result oriented Firm/Agency/Institution/NGO for delivering.

Detail of application process (in Part D: Submission of Proposal) solicitation document and Term of Reference (TOR)/(TOR as PDF). Interested Firm/Agency/Institution/NGO are invited to join pre-bid meeting take place at 1st floor meeting room of Forestry Administration, #40 Norodom Blvd, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh on Thursday 16th July 2015 from 10am-12pm. Deadline of submission is 24 July 2015 by 5pm.


Tel          :  023 224 251 or 012 834988 or 016 888 393

Email     :  [email protected]